Selective Deletion Not Available on Advanced DSO, use RSDRD_DELETE_FACTS

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One useful function in the “manage” menu for InfoCubes and Classic DSOs was the selective deletion. This function is not available in Advanced DSOs. As a work around execute ABAP/4 report RSDRD_DELETE_FACTS or transaction DELETE_FACTS.
Transaction Delete Facts
Transaction Delete Facts 

With this transaction you can either specify the selection criteria immediately and execute online or in batch or proceed to generate both the selection program and the deletion program, even specifying a name.

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How to activate an SAP BI transformation in a target system

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How to activate an SAP BI transformation in a target system

When a BI transformation gets de-activated due to a transport, display the transformation generated program and activate it.

It is common to get transformation de-activated after a related  transport: either by changing the transformation source, target or a related InfoObject. The person that is responsible for the causing
transport should create a new transport with the affected transformation to permanently correct the situation. Depending on the size and controls of a specific landscape, this can take a while. A workaround is to display the transformation in BI transaction RSA1 and select the menu option Extras -> Display Generated Program. Then click on the ‘match’ button to activate or Ctrl-F3.

This may save you in some situations, but not all. If the transport deactivated the associated DTP you may not be able to load data.

Another temporary option is to open the system (Basis) and activate.

You can also run the ABAP/4 report RSDG_TRFN_ACTIVATE with transaction SE38 to attempt to activate the transformation in the target system. Depending on the system setting and the ‘correctness’ of the transformation, it will activate or fail. The transformation ID can be found in table RSTRAN (first field), based on the source and target objects. This program also activates the affected DTPs. See SAP Note 1408161

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